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"Rise up, you women who are at ease,
And hear my voice; Give ear to my word, You complacent daughters."
Isaiah 32:9


Mentoring bridges the gap between generations. Draws us into relationship with one another. Connects our lives and intertwines our stories.


The Lord tells us that mature women are called to mentor younger women. His Word states women are to be “reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor addicted to much wine, teaching what is right and good, so that they may encourage the young women to tenderly love their husbands and their children, to be sensible, pure, makers of a home [where God is honored], goodnatured, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored.” Titus 2:3-5 AMP


“that they may”... As disciples of Jesus, we have received the highest gift by our Savior Lord Jesus Christ. Having freely received, we are called to freely give - not out of obligation or duty, but because we can (Matthew 10:8). That we may reach the next generation, impacting lives and creating disciplemakers, passionate about God and life, all for His glory.


What exactly is mentoring?


Mentoring is not counseling. It is not leading a Bible Study. It is not being someone’s mother.


Woman Arise Mentorship Program is biblical mentoring where intentional relationships generally between an older person and a younger person, and in some instances it can be vice versa are built. It is walking through life together for a season, sharing wisdom, life experiences, and growing in your relationship with Christ. Being a mentor is not about what I know, but about listening well, opening up my life to someone, and pointing their eyes always to Christ. And by doing so it has the power to transform lives.


Mentoring has been going on since Jesus walked on the earth, it just wasn’t called that. It is a simple, modern-day way of doing what Jesus did – making disciples. Discipleship through intentional relationship. Mentoring defined!

Woman Arise Mentorship Program is designed to make it simple for women to invest in the lives of other women through a mentoring relationship.

Woman Arise Mentorship Program - Called to More

Our goal is to call every woman, young and old, to more. We exist to help generations journey together through intentional relationships focused on Jesus, calling women to a higher vision, a more abundant life, accountability and a deeper relationship with Christ.

Why is there a fee for Mentorship?

There is a charge for mentorship to help ensure the sustainability and quality of the program. It reflects the time, effort, and resources invested in creating structured teachings, personalized guidance, and valuable materials. Additionally, it encourages participants to take the commitment seriously while supporting the mentor's ability to dedicate themselves fully to serving others through this ministry. 


Woman Arise Core Elements 


• With your Heavenly Father as you pursue a relationship with Him

• With your mentor as she intentionally invests in you

• With fellow mentees through monthly meetings and peer challenges

Memorizing Scripture

• Hiding the Word of God away in your heart through scripture memorization and meditation

Program Format


• Woman Arise groups are designed as a small group mentoring model  


• Groups meet once a week via Zoom for approximately 1.5 hours

• Each attendee will have a One-on-one meetings with the mentor via Zoom video conference


• The program lasts 6 weeks and covers 6 different topics


End of year Graduation Dinner

• Graduation is open to those that successfully complete the program. Your full commitment to the program is required to participate at the time of graduation. 





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